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Women Empowering Women

Opening Doors In The Entertainment Industry  

In recent years, the entertainment industry has witnessed a powerful surge in the movement toward gender equality. Women from all walks of life are breaking barriers, shattering glass ceilings,and revolutionizing the way we perceive female talent. Amidst this monumental change, a heartening trend has emerged—women helping other women to open doors in the entertainment industry.

Donate today and help open the doors for many talented women!

Proud Founder

 “ It is an extraordinary privilege to empower aspiring women in the entertainment industry, providing them with the platform to showcase their talents, whether in directing, acting, dancing, singing, or any other creative pursuit, and to ensure they receive the equitable opportunities they deserve. By doing so, we not only open doors for individual success but also catalyze transformative change within the industry itself. Each woman we support has the potential to profoundly impact the landscape of show business, bringing about the much-needed evolution it requires. “

Vineesha Arora-Sarin
Proud Founder/Filmmaker/Woman


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I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.

 Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

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We are a 501c3 Registered non profit in Los Angeles, CA

Donations are tax-deductible.

Women In Showbiz Everywhere (WISE)

5665 W. Wilshire Blvd #1248

Los Angeles, CA 90036

United States

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At Women In Showbiz Everywhere, we're dedicated to an inclusive community that uplifts women in entertainment. Please respect our content by refraining from unauthorized use. Contact us for material usage discussions to maintain the quality of our platform and support collaboration. Thanks for understanding and joining us in amplifying women's voices in showbiz. Be inspired. Be empowered.

This site was the initial work of the “That’s Max” Creative Company which donated the site and its services to WISE. Redesign and maintenance done by Digitell.

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Women In Showbiz Everywhere, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2024

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